Flash Butt Welding Trials of New Steel Alloy for Ovako
Brooks Forgings is proud to announce a new collaboration with Ovako.
Ovako is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of engineering steel and uses a sustainable manufacturing process to produce a range of engineering steels, including bearing applications and manufacturing and transportation markets.
A new steel alloy is in development and Brooks was asked to conduct flash butt welding trials to determine its weldability.
By utilising our flash butt welding department and capability we were able to produce a range of samples using various parameters. These are to be further analysed by the R&D team at Ovako.
Dr. Steve Ooi, a Research and Development Specialist for Ovako, who is also based at the Maxwell Centre at Cambridge University, was welcomed on-site to witness the trials and was thoroughly impressed with the service, expertise, and capability offered by Brooks.
If you have a similar development project in mind please contact our sales team today.