Project in mind?
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+44 (0)1384 563356
Email your enquiry to
Brooks Forgings recognise that individuals, whether private or part of an organisation, value their personal data.
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect from 25 May 2018.
We endeavour to keep your personal data secure and only store it for as long as necessary for the purposes of conducting general trading activities with your organisation. Your data will typically be used for order processing and after-sales services, by means of e-mail, post, fax or telephone. We may also use your personal data to send you further information about Brooks Forgings Ltd products or services. We may send this information by e-mail, post, fax, or by calling you.
We will retain your data on file only for a time period that will enable us to fulfill the purposes we collected it for. This will typically be for satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements as a result of engaging with our services. The data will be stored on paper and/or digital format at our secure server/site and only be accessed by employees that are authorised to do so. Once the data is no longer required it will be removed from our database and/or destroyed. We do not hold any credit card details in our electronic systems.
The information we hold and obtain
1. Information that you provide to enable us to operate and respond to you and your organisation in a timely and professional manner. This will often include details for several individuals within your organisation such as full name, post and delivery addresses, email address, phone, and fax numbers and business bank account details for the processing of authorised payments and credit account applications.
2. Information detailing what products you have purchased from us and when and at what price and specification. This is for legal, quality and traceability requirements that form part of accreditations, operating standards and terms of sale.
3. Information collected through electronic communication you receive from us, including whether you have opened, viewed or clicked on any links within that communication.
4. Information we obtain from legitimate sources outside of your organisation such as credit and marketing research agencies/companies.
Our Marketing Activities
We endeavour to only send relevant marketing campaigns to individuals who have previously expressed interest in our products and services or operate within industries that may require our services. Our marketing activities are limited to business to business. We use the minimum information required to process and contact you via post, fax, email or telephone. Our email marketing campaigns are processed through a third-party organisation and service. This service provides us with information and data regarding whether an individual has opened, viewed or clicked on any links within that communication. Individuals can opt-out of these marketing emails at any time by clicking the appropriate link that is found at the bottom of the email. Alternatively, you can contact us at any time to opt-out of all marketing activities via email at or call us on +44 (0)1384 563356 to request removal from part or all of our marketing activities.
If you do not opt-out of our marketing campaigns we will continue to send them to you periodically via email or post.
Website – Cookies and Visitor Tracking
We use legitimate methods to collect information regarding visits and activity on our website. These services rely on the use of cookies to analyse trends, administer the website, track movements around the website, serve targeted advertisements, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. The data we collect and receive does not enable us to single out or identify any individual only companies. We may process this information to formally make contact with your company to discuss our services in more detail as we believe there is a valid and legitimate interest.
Users can control the use of cookies within their individual browser or device settings. If you are unclear about what cookies are or how they are used please visit the following page:
Your Rights & Your Consent
You may at any time review or alter your information held by Brooks Forgings Ltd and we ask that you do this by means that enable us to verify your identity. We will aim to provide and alter data within 30 days from the date of the verified request.